Friday, December 3, 2010

Your Garden's Hidden Pharmacy

Many common health conditions can be remedied with a healthy lifestyle that is accompanied by the use of certain herbal remedies. While Western Medicine relies heavily on the use of prescription drugs, most practitioners of Eastern Medicine, as well as traditional naturopathic doctors and herbalists, consider natural herbs and plants to be much healthier choices. Using medicinal herbs to treat any number of ailments allows you to benefit from a synergy of complex chemical components such as antioxidants and phytonutrients,as they occur in nature. So what types of herbs contain powerful healing properties?

Praised by Confucius, ginger has been considered the universal medicine for many years. It is gentle on the stomach and is commonly used to relieve symptoms of nausea, indigestion, fever, and infection. More advanced research suggests that it may even be used for heart health, digestive health, preventing colds and flu,and assisting in weight loss.

This herb is considered one of nature's most powerful antiseptics and is commonly used in certain mouthwash and decongestant products. Thyme can be added to teas and herbal drinks, where it helps relieve sore throat, cough, bronchitis, and laryngitis.

Garlic has a number of active components, including allicin, alliinase and sulfur compounds, which contribute to its potent antibiotic, anti-viral and fungicidal properties. These assets make garlic highly effective in lowering high blood pressure, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, and boosting the immune system.

In addition to carrying a distinct fragrant quality, mint also has the ability to settle the digestive tract, thus decreasing the severity and length of stomach aches. The herb can be added to teas, salads or eaten by itself to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and hinder the growth of toxic bacteria in the stomach.

Lavender is another fragrant herb that is used in a variety of medicinal and cosmetic products. It is largely cultivated for its natural oils which can calm nerves, alleviate headaches, and help to reduce stress.

Turning to herbal remedies for safe and natural treatments is an affordable way to maintain your health and vitality, while building your immune system and preventing many common illnesses. Not to mention leaving just one small ecological footprint or two in your garden bed.

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