Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Prevent Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

Based on my clinical experience and research, the best method of diabetes prevention and the prevention of pre-diabetes symptoms known as Metabolic Syndrome, is a healthy, low-glycemic index diet combined with regular exercise, stress-relief, and supplementation with a variety of natural compounds. These supplements are aimed at balancing blood sugar, increasing your cell's insulin uptake, and reducing inflammation.
In my practice, I use a comprehensive metabolic formula that is specially designed for people who are pre-diabetic and diabetic (marked by a fasting glucose above 95 or 100) or those patients with a family history of diabetes.

This unique formula contains a blend of ingredients - including Ayurvedic and Chinese herbs, and medicinal mushrooms – that have been shown to help improve such metabolic symptoms as insulin resistance, fat and sugar metabolism, and cravings, thereby helping to lower overall blood glucose levels.

I also recommend using a comprehensive circulation formula in assisting with symptoms associated with poor blood glucose metabolism. Along with the herbs and nutrients in this circulation formula, one ingredient, L-Carnitine, is especially helpful in increasing insulin sensitivity and promoting healthy fat metabolism in diabetics and pre-diabetics. Another recommendation is a Tibetan herbal formula for maintaining healthy circulation and inflammation response. Poor circulation, oxidative stress, and inflammation issues are directly linked with unhealthy blood glucose levels, and supporting cardiovascular health with circulatory and antioxidant nutrients will ultimately benefit anyone who is struggling to maintain healthy glucose metabolism.

In general, I recommend following a whole foods diet as much as possible, focusing on fruits and vegetables that are seasonal and organic. I define whole foods as foods that are available in their original form, minimally processed and/or refined, and not containing additives of any kind. Whole foods consist mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (not hulled or polished), legumes, and raw nuts and seeds. Animal products should be organic and eaten in smaller quantities than is typical in the American diet. Aside from a higher phytochemical (plant nutrient and antioxidant) profile, whole foods contain much higher amounts of fiber, the regular consumption of which is linked to reduced cancer and heart disease. High fiber diets promote overall gastrointestinal health, as well as the detoxification of toxins and heavy metals.

Supplement Doses and Action Properties

The following is a list of my main recommendations for maintaining healthy glucose metabolism. Equally important however, are a low glycemic diet and regular exercise in controlling blood glucose levels.

Nutrient or Herb General Use (total amounts per day) Highlighted Properties
Comprehensive Metabolic Formula 3-6 caps per day
  • Reduces insulin resistance
  • Supports healthy blood glucose
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
Comprehensive Circulation Formula 2-4 caps per day
  • Boosts circulation
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
Tibetan Herbal Formula 2-6 caps per day
  • Boosts circulation
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
Magnesium 400 mg per day
  • Supports healthy blood glucose
Vitamin C 1,000 to 3,000 mg per day
  • Supports healthy blood glucose
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant

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